| Standard Purchase Order | Planned Purchase Order | Blanket Purchase Agreement | Contract Purchase Agreement |
Terms and Conditions Known | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Goods or Services Known | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Pricing Known | Yes | Yes | May Be | No |
Quantity Known | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Account Distributions Known | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Delivery Schedule Known | Yes | May Be | No | No |
Can be Encumbered | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Can Encumber Releases | N/A | Yes | Yes | N/A |
Differences Between Standard PO, Blanket PO, Planned PO & Contract PO
Muhammad Rafi Aamiri on Wednesday, November 30, 2011
APIs for Concurrent Processing
Muhammad Rafi Aamiri on Sunday, November 20, 2011
This API Returns the Status of a concurrent request. It also returns the completion text if the request is already completed. The return type is Boolean (Returns TRUE on successful retrieval of the information, FALSE otherwise).
function get_request_status
This API Returns the Status of a concurrent request. It also returns the completion text if the request is already completed. The return type is Boolean (Returns TRUE on successful retrieval of the information, FALSE otherwise).
function get_request_status
request_id IN OUT NOCOPY number,
appl_shortname IN varchar2 default NULL,
program IN varchar2 default NULL,
phase OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
dev_phase OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
dev_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
message OUT NOCOPY varchar2
) return boolean;
request_id IN OUT NOCOPY number,
appl_shortname IN varchar2 default NULL,
program IN varchar2 default NULL,
phase OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
dev_phase OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
dev_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
message OUT NOCOPY varchar2
) return boolean;
REQUEST_ID | Request ID of the program to be checked. |
APPL_SHORTNAME | Short name of the application associated with the program. Default is NULL |
PROGRAM | Short name of the concurrent program |
PHASE | Request phase |
STATUS | Request Status |
DEV_PHASE | Request phase as a string constant |
DEV_STATUS | Request status as a string constant |
MESSAGE | Request completion message |
This API waits for the request completion, then returns the request phase/status and completion message to the caller. It goes to sleep between checks for the request completion. The return type is Boolean (Returns TRUE on successful retrieval of the information, FALSE otherwise).
function wait_for_request
request_id IN number default NULL,
interval IN number default 60,
max_wait IN number default 0,
phase OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
dev_phase OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
dev_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
message OUT NOCOPY varchar2
) return boolean;
REQUEST_ID | Request ID of the request to wait on. The default is NULL |
INTERVAL | Number of seconds to wait between checks. Default is 60 seconds. |
MAX_WAIT | Maximum number of seconds to wait for the request completion. Default is 00 seconds |
PHASE | Request phase |
STATUS | Request Status |
DEV_PHASE | Request phase as a string constant |
DEV_STATUS | Request status as a string constant |
MESSAGE | Request completion message |
FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS | Called from a concurrent request to set its completion status and message |
FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_PRINT_OPTIONS | Returns the print options for a concurrent request |
FND_CONCURRENT.GET_SUB_REQUESTS | Get all sub-requests for a given request id. For each sub-request it provides request_id, phase,status, developer phase , developer status and completion text |
FND_CONCURRENT.CANCEL_REQUEST | It cancels a given Concurrent Request |
FND_CONCURRENT.AF_ROLLBACK | It is used by a concurrent program that use a particular rollback segment and has no arguments. |