APPS Interfaces

on Tuesday, December 29, 2009

In terms of oracle applications interface is a communication channel that allows the data to move in and out of the system.


    The one which allows data to get into oracle application from outside is called inbound interface.

    The one which allows data to get data from oracle applications to other systems is called outbound interface.


Open interfaces  -

API  (Application Program Interface)

EDI (Electronic Data interchange) 
    Mainly used for automation transactions with third party systems

    Mainly used for automation transactions with third party systems

    Used for uploading data from excel with the scope to have some validations mainly used for one time loading.

PLSQL Packages for Reading XML Data
    Use this in case of importing non standard transactions


Custom programs where we pull data to a csv file using UTL_FILE in the required format
PLSQL Packages for generating XML


In case of open interface the data is loaded in to open interface table like

Run the interface import program.

This will validate the data and put it into oracle applications. All the invalid records are marked as Error.

One thing is there are GUI Screens available for most of these interface where you check the error message correct it there only and resubmit the interface.

From the technical perspective there are Error tables available for each interface

API's are the oracle built packages where the validation logic is wrapped inside a package and the data is passed as parameters to the API.

Most of these api's use the PLSQL tables as parameters to take the advantage of bulk binding concepts for faster loading data.

They will have the two OUT parameters to throw back the error code and message in case of data validation failure

APIs are comparatively faster than open interfaces.

If a API's and open interface are available it is better to load through API's.If the records are more...

Same Password for APPS and APPLSYS

on Saturday, December 26, 2009

The need to have the same password for Apps and Applsys is because when you sign on to apps, initially it connects to a public schema called APPLSYSPUB. This validates AOL username and password that we enter (operations/welcome using guest user account.

Once this is verified we select responsibility, this is validated by APPLSYS schema and then it connects to APPS schema.

Since it uses both applsys and apps during sign on process this expects both the password to be identical.

Try changing apps password to something else and try to login, the validation at the last stage would fail.

This would result in failure of application login. Apps is a universal schema has synonyms to all base product tables and sequences.

This also has code objects for all products (triggers, views, packages, synonyms etc.).

Applsys schema has applications technology layer products like FND and AD etc.

Definition of AIM Methodology

on Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Application Implementation Method is a proven approach for all the activities required to implement oracle ERP applications.

The scope of the AIM is focused on an enterprise as a whole. There are eleven processes of implementation.

1. Business Process Architecture [BP]

This phase outlines:


Existing business practices


Catalog change practices


Leading practices


Future practices

2. Business Requirement Definition[RD]

This phase explains about the initial baseline questionnaire and gathering of requirements.

3. Business Requirement Mapping[BR]

In this phase the requirements of business are matched with the standard functionality of the oracle applications.

4. Application and Technical Architecture [TA]

This outlines the infrastructure requirements to implement oracle applications.

5. Build and Module Design [MD]

This phase emphasizes the development of new functionality (customization) required by the client. It mainly details how to design the required forms, database and reports.

6. Data Conversion [CV]

Data Conversion is the process of converting or transferring the data from legacy system to oracle applications.
Ex. Transferring customer records from the legacy to the Customer Master.

7. Documentation [DO]

Documentation prepared per module that includes user guides and implementation manuals.

8. Business System Testing [TE]

A process of validating the setup's and functionality by QA(functional consultant) to certify status.

9. Performance Testing [PT]

Performance testing is the evaluation of transactions saving time, transaction retrieval times, workflow background process, database performance, etc…

10. Adoption and Learning [AP]

This phase explains the removal of the legacy system and oracle application roll out enterprise wide.

11. Production Migration [PM]

The process of "decommissioning" of legacy system and the usage(adoption) of oracle application system.

Preference in APPS Start Page

on Friday, December 18, 2009

"Applications Start Page" feature provides a user an option to set a particular page as his/her preferred start. The user will be taken to this page at login.

A user can choose from the set of functions available under his/her responsibilities. The value is recorded in a profile option named "Applications Start Page (APPLICATIONS_START_PAGE)" as

Usage of the Feature


Make sure the profile "Self Service Personal Home Page Mode" is set to "Framework only" at site level or at user level for which user you intend to provide "Applications Start Page" feature



Login to Applications as the End user



Navigate to Preferences link on top of the page.



You can find a section "Start Page" under General Preferences page.  Select the Responsibility from which you would like to choose the Function (For e.g. Payables Super User). It then lists the functions available for this user under this responsibility.  Choose the Function as Start page (e.g, Invoices). Apply the changes.



Logout and Log back in. Your Start Page is now effective.

After personalizing the 'start page' to directly open a Form, how do I reset the User Preferences and the start page?

Disabling the Feature


When you are on Self-service Framework page, you can Navigate to Preferences Link and de-select the values (choose blank) for Responsibility and Page drop down lists.



When you are in Forms based Applications, navigate to menu  Edit => Preferences => Profile



Search for "Applications Start Page", remove the value from User Value field and Save.



Next time when you login to Applications, you get Self-service Framework Homepage.


After logging in, replace the login link with:
http://<initial part of path>/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=OAHOMEPAGE

This should get you to the Personal Home Page.


Either use the Responsibility Hat to change to the System Administrator responsibility or Login as another user and have them use the System Administrator responsibility.

Then do a find for the Start Page profile option: Profile > System  for the User Name that is needing to reset their 'Start Page' profile.

Delete the start page for the user, save the changes. This will allow the user to get back to the Personal Home Page, and then they can reset their 'Start Page'.

Difference between Party and Customer

on Tuesday, December 15, 2009



Prospective Customer and more relevant for CRM Purposes

A Customer which is used both in CRM as well as in OM, Financials or any other module Example (A Sales Order in OM or Invoice in Receivables cannot be created without creating a Customer record for the Party).

No Business Transactions involved (Sales Order, Sales Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Receipt etc.,)

A Business Transaction like a Sales Order, Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo,Receipt can be created.

A Party does not have account but have Sites

A Customer will have account and as well as Sites.

A Party can exist without Customer Record

A Party record is must to create a Customer Record linked through party_id.

A Party Record will not have record in following tables


A Customer Record will have records in following tables


     with reference to party_id column.

No More JInitiator

on Monday, December 14, 2009

In 11i, You might have seen jinitiator related files in $COMMON_TOP/util/jinitiator directory.

No more this directory exists in R12 when you install using Rapid Install.

Oracle Jinitiator is no longer supported/certified with R12!!!. what is replacing Jinitiator? It is by JRE Plugin.

context file variable s_sun_plugin_type determines whether clients will be using jinitiator or Sun Java Native-plugin for launching forms 11i, in context file you will see s_sun_plugin_type set to jinit

In R12 it is set to jdk so, when you plan to upgrade 11i to R12, you will be making your system to work with Jun plugin. (Note 427357.1 - 11i with sun plugin)

R12 Rapid Install configures JRE with version 1.5.0_10. Since this version is having some focus issues you need to upgrade to 1.5.0_12 or to the latest one 1.5.0_13

JVM , Session , Cache


At the heart of the Java platform lies the Java Virtual Machine, or JVM. Most programming languages compile source code directly into machine code, suitable for execution on particular microprocessor architecture. The difference with Java is that it uses byte code - a special type of machine code.Java byte code executes on a special type of microprocessor. Strangely enough, there wasn't a hardware implementation of this microprocessor available when Java was first released. Instead, the processor architecture is emulated by what is known as a "virtual machine". This virtual machine is an emulation of a real Java processor - a machine within a machine. The only difference is that the virtual machine isn't running on a CPU - it is being emulated on the CPU of the host machine.

The Java Virtual Machine is responsible for interpreting Java byte code, and translating this into actions or operating system calls. For example, a request to establish a socket connection to a remote machine will involve an operating system call. Different operating systems handle sockets in different ways - but the programmer doesn't need to worry about such details. It is the responsibility of the JVM to handle these translations, so that the operating system and CPU architecture on which Java software is running is completely irrelevant to the developer.

The Java Virtual Machine forms part of a large system, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Each operating system and CPU architecture requires a different JRE. The JRE comprises a set of base classes, which are an implementation of the base Java API, as well as a JVM. The portability of Java comes from implementations on a variety of CPUs and architectures. Without an available JRE for a given environment, it is impossible to run Java software.

Differences between JVM implementations

Though implementations of Java Virtual Machines are designed to be compatible, no two JVMs are exactly alike. For example, garbage collection algorithms vary between one JVM and another, so it becomes impossible to know exactly when memory will be reclaimed. The thread scheduling algorithms are different between one JVM and another (based in part on the underlying operating system), so that it is impossible to accurately predict when one thread will be executed over another.

Initially, this is a cause for concern from programmers new to the Java language. However, it actually has very little practical bearing on Java development. Such predictions are often dangerous to make, as thread scheduling and memory usage will vary between different hardware environments anyway. The power of Java comes from not being specific about the operating system and CPU architecture - to do so reduces the portability of software.

The Java Virtual Machine provides a platform-independent way of executing code, by abstracting the differences between operating systems and CPU architectures. Java Runtime Environments are available for a wide variety of hardware and software combinations, making Java a very portable language. Programmers can concentrate on writing software, without having to be concerned with how or where it will run. The idea of virtual machines is nothing new, but Java is the most widely used virtual machine used today. Thanks to the JVM, the dream of Write Once-Run Anywhere (WORA) software has become a reality.


HttpSession is nothing but a java interface.The servlet container uses this interface to create a session between an HTTP client and an HTTP server. The session persists for a specified time period, across more than one connection or page request from the user. A session usually corresponds to one user, who may visit a site many times.

The server can maintain a session in many ways such as using cookies or rewriting URLs.

This interface allows servlets to View and manipulate information about a session, such as the session identifier, creation time, and last accessed time Bind objects to sessions, allowing user information to persist across multiple user connections.

ICX Session or Oracle Applications User Session

(Is it same as HTTP session/servelet session ?)

A http session or a servelet session usually corresponds to an application login/logout cycle, but that is not strictly true in the case of OA Framework applications.

When the user logs in to an OA Framework application, the OA Framework creates an AOL/J oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext object and a browser session-based cookie that together keep track of key Oracle Applications context information like the current responsibility, organization id and various user attributes such as user name, user id, employee id and so on.

The cookie contains an encrypted key identifier for a session row stored in the Applications database.Specifically, this is the servlet session ID which, in its decrypted form, serves as the primary key in the ICX_SESSIONS table.(to get an idea do run Select * from ICX_SESSIONS , to get an exact idea of what information is stored in the table)The WebAppsContext retrieves this key value after each request and uses it to query the current session state.

The Oracle Applications user session or ICX SESSION is associated and not dependent with a servlet session, because , it has its own life cycle and time-out characteristics. Generally, the Oracle Applications user session has a longer life span than the servlet session. The servlet session should time-out sooner.

User session is dependent on following profiles:

a)ICX: Limit Time :Determines the maximum Oracle Applications user session length( in hours.

b)ICX:Session Timeout: Maximum idle time for the Oracle Applications user session specified in minutes).While servlet session timeout is purely dependent on setting in Apache Jserv session timeout setting. An Oracle Applications user session might be associated with multiple http servlet sessions. For example, the servlet session times out while the user takes a phone call in the middle of creating an OA Framework expense report, then resumes work before the Oracle Applications user session times out.If the Oracle Applications user session times out, as long as the user does not close the browser window (so the browser session-based cookie isn'tlost) and no one deletes the corresponding session row in the ICX_SESSIONS table, the user can resume her transaction at the point where he stopped working after being prompted to log back in. Although the best practice as per Oracle standards is to sync ICX_SESSION and servelet session,till passivation feature is implenented in Oracle Apps. Passivation is still not supported in 11i and 12i.

This is straight from metalink "The ICX: Session Timeout option sets the the maximum number of minutes to wait before invalidating an idle ICX Session. The default value is null. The web server session timeout value, or more appropriately the Apache Jserv Session value is used to specify the number of milliseconds to wait before invalidating an unused session. The default value is 1800000 or 30 minutes.We recommend that you set the ICX: Session Timeout and the Apache Jserv Session to be the same. It's better to be consistent and let the ICX session and the Apache Jserv (middle tier) session expire at the same time. If the ICX session expires before the Jserv session, the user will be presented with a login page even though the Jserv session is still active. If the user logs back in before the Jserv session expires, they will see the old state of their middle-tier transaction. This can be confusing, since from the point of view of the user there is no distinction between the ICX session and the Jserv session. We also recommend that you do not set the Apache Jserv Session timeout to be any higher than 30 minutes. Longer idle sessions will drain the JVM resources and can also cause out of memory errors. The session timeout for the webserver is specified via the following directive in the /Jserv/etc/ file.session. timeout=1800000"

Initialize Session

on Tuesday, December 8, 2009

If you are working with Oracle Applications, here's how you can initialize your session in whatever tool you are using to mimic the login process and pick up profile option values. The key profile option here is usually org_id so you can select from organization aware views, but it applied equally to other profile options, i.e. you can then use


to get values from profile options. You need to be logged into the database as the APPS user. The examples set up the session for SYSADMIN user, System Administrator responsibility. e.g. SQL*Plus 

exec fnd_global.apps_initialize(0,20420,1);

e.g. for PL/SQL, TOAD, SQLDeveloper, SQL Navigator etc.:

begin fnd_global.apps_initialize(0,20420,1); end;

The parameters used here are: 

  1. User_ID
  2. Responsibility_ID
  3. Responsibility_Application_ID

To get these you have a couple of choices

a) SQL - Replace SYSADMIN and System Administrator with your user and responsibility:

select 'begin fnd_global.apps_initialize(' ||
       fu.user_id || ',' ||
       fr.responsibility_id || ',' ||
       fr.application_id || '); end;' || chr(10) || '/'
from   fnd_user fu
,      fnd_responsibility_tl fr
where  fu.user_name = 'SYSADMIN'
and    fr.responsibility_name = 'System Administrator';

b) In your Oracle Applications forms session. Login as your user and navigate to the required responsibility. Open a function that uses Oracle forms Go to Help > Diagnostics > Examine In the Block enter $PROFILES$ In the field enter the appropriate field name for the parameter:

  1. User_ID = USER_ID
  2. Responsibility_ID = RESP_ID
  3. Responsibility_Application_ID = RESP_APPL_ID

Business Scenario - iProcurement

on Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Print a copy purchase order/reissue a purchase order to a supplier

Enter the AP responsibility; under Invoices, Entry then Invoices. From the invoice entry screen, select the 'View' menu, then 'Requests'. From the 'Find Requests' screen, click on 'Submit a New Request'. Make sure 'Single Request' is selected and click on 'OK'.

In the 'Name' box enter 'DCC Emailed Purchase Order (Copy)', although to save time, typing 'DCC' then pressing enter will bring up a short list of options from which you can choose the correct option. Enter the Purchase Order Number you wish to view, then enter the e-mail address you want the copy Purchase Order to go to. The email address will default to the address linked to your login. Click on 'OK'. Click on the 'Options' button which opens a new window. Change the number of 'Copies' from '0' to '1', then click on 'OK'. Submit the request. The copy purchase order will then be issued to the specified email address.

There will usually be a short delay before the copy Purchase Order reaches the recipient. If the order hasn't been received within 15-20mins check your order number and email address. Failure of the order to be emailed is often as a result of missing the step where the number of copies is changed from '0' to '1'.

Change the first approver (if more than one approver exists)

To change first approver, the approver must first be 'added'. When placing an order, on reaching the 'Review Approver List' page (step 2 of 3), click on the 'Add Approver' button and select the required approver's name (not login) from the list. Next, click on 'Change First Approver' and again select the approver from the list. The required approver must be set up with Approver rights for this solution to work.

Names are listed in the format 'Surname, Forename'. If you are having difficulty locating an approver, make sure that you are entering their name in this format, and remember to use the percentage wildcard where required.

To permanently change your default first approver email details of the change to Your default approver is based on your line manager as identified on your employee record.

Cancel an order

At present, there is no function to allow you the user to cancel an order. Once an order has been issued it is the supplier's decision whether or not to allow an order to be cancelled. Having contacted the supplier to confirm that they are happy for you to cancel the order (maybe the items are no longer available), email Oracle Admin with the order number and supplier details and ask them to cancel the order.

An alternative to removing the order altogether would be to reduce the value of the order to zero, which will have the effect of removing any commitments that are outstanding on the order. An advantage of doing this is that the order will always be available to refer to should you have any comeback from the supplier.

Make sure that there are no receipts against the order you wish to cancel. If there are, use the 'correct receipts' option to show that you have returned the items.

Next, click on the requisitions tab, check the box next to the order you wish to cancel, and click on the 'Change' button. You will now have the option to alter the quantity of each item and the value of each item on the order. Change the value of each item to 0. Please note that it is not possible to change the quantity to zero. For example, to remove a commitment for 5 calculators at £5; the quantity should read 5 but the value should read £0. Enter a reason for the change, then click on the 'Next' button until you get the option to 'Submit'. The change request will be submitted to a member of the I-Procurement Team to review; as the change represents a reduction in the value of the order the request will be approved.

Repeat for the remaining items on the order. The result will be that the order will remain, should you receive any future queries about the order, but the commitment, and the expectation that the goods will be received, has been removed.

Reduce the value of an order

Click on the requisitions tab, check the box next to the order you wish to alter, and click on the 'Change' button. You are able to alter both the quantity of the items on the order (for example, where you have ordered 10 PCs but the supplier can only supply 5), and the value of the items (you've ordered the PCs at £500 but the supplier offers a 10% discount). Note that the quantity must always be above zero.

If you have already receipted some of the items that you wish to alter the price for (using the same example, you've already received and receipted 1 PC), you will need to 'unreceipt' the order before you can alter the value of the order. Click on the requisitions tab, check the box next to the order you wish to 'unreceipt' and click on the button marked 'Correct Receipt'.

The value of an order, once approved, cannot be increased.

Remove a commitment where goods cost less than the original order

The Purchase Order itself can be adjusted prior to paying an invoice, as described above. If items have been receipted against the order, use the 'unreceipt' option to reverse the receipting. Referring back to the way paper orders used to operate, minor changes to the amounts or descriptions of the items on the order wouldn't have resulted in the order being changed and re-submitted to the supplier, so why amend the order through i-Procurement?

The suggested way to remove the commitment is in Accounts Payable, when you come to pay the invoice.

Match the order to the invoice; either the order as a whole, or the lines of the order that the invoice relates to. As the goods cost less than the original order, the invoice distribution will exceed the total invoice amount, but the commitment for the order will have been removed. Next, add an extra line to the distribution to correct. Remember that the correction must be carried out before Tax. Click on 'Calculate Tax' to check that the invoice amount and distribution totals match, then 'Validate' and 'Account' as usual.

If you have an item on an order that won't be received, you may match the item to an invoice in order to remove the commitment, then add an extra line to remove the value from the distribution. Note that reversing the line will reinstate the commitment; the extra line must be entered manually.

Add an attachment to an order, such as a quote

At present there is no facility to attach files to an order, but you are able to add a 'text attachment'. Add goods to your basket and then 'Checkout' to access the 'Requisition Information' screen. Click on 'Edit Lines', 'Attachments' then 'Add Attachments'. Add a description for the text attachment, for instance; 'Additional delivery information for Supplier'. From the drop down list select 'visible to supplier. Under 'Define Attachment' click on the button to add text and enter the text you wish to appear, for instance this may be special delivery instructions.

Add additional notes for the attention of the supplier

Beneath the address on every Official Purchase Order there's a box marked 'Notes to Supplier'. The advantage of using the 'Notes to Supplier' box is that there are no limits to the number of characters that can be displayed, unlike the 'Description' field on an order.

Add goods to your basket and then 'Checkout' to access the 'Requisition Information' screen. Click on 'Edit Lines'. Check the tick box marked select, then click on the button marked 'update'. You will now have access to an extra box marked 'Notes to Supplier'. Click on the 'Return' button to return to the 'Requisition Information' screen.

Inform a supplier that we wish to collect the goods

Follow the above process described above to either add notes as a text attachment, or use the 'Notes to Supplier' box.

Split an order between more than one account

Add goods to your shopping cart and 'Checkout'. From the 'Requisition Information' screen (step 1 of 3), click on 'Edit Lines', then 'Accounts', as you would for any order.

Each separate item ordered will appear on a different line. If certain items on an order are to be charged to different accounts, simply change the account code for those items.

On occasion you may order a quantity of a certain item that needs to be 'split' between more than one account code; for instance, a quantity of files ordered which are to be shared between more than one department. Against the appropriate item line click on the button marked 'Split'. Click on 'Add another row' and alter the account code accordingly. You will need to decide how you wish to split order between the two account codes. This can be done either by allocating a quantity to each code; for instance 5 items to one code, 5 to the other, or setting a percentage split between the two codes.

Once this has been done, click on return and proceed with placing the order as normal.

Copy a requisition that I've raised on a previous occasion

Click on the 'Requisitions' tab in iProcurement and locate the requisition you wish to duplicate. Select the requisition and click on 'Copy to cart'. You will then be able to amend the quantity if required and complete the order. Be sure that the goods are being charged to the correct account; amend if necessary.

Save a requisition part way through

Click on the 'Save' button at any part of the process and a requisition number will be allocated. If you have not yet clicked on 'Checkout' enter a requisition description, which will help you relocate the requisition when you come to complete the order. If you intend to continue shopping for further items from a different supplier, click on 'New Cart'. Failure to clear the shopping cart can cause problems with the order; adding additional items to the cart from a different supplier will mean that neither order is despatched.

To complete the order, click on the 'Requisitions' tab and select the order that you wish to complete. The requisition will be returned to your shopping cart; click on 'Checkout' and complete the order as normal.

Delete a requisition before it is approved

A requisition can be deleted at any time up until it is approved; although different approaches are required depending on what stage the requisition is at.

During entry – Click on 'Cancel' and delete the items from your shopping cart.

Requisition saved as incomplete – A requisition that has not yet been sent for approval, click on the 'Requisitions' tab and select the appropriate requisition. Click on the 'Delete' button and 'Yes' to the warning message that is displayed.

After submission to an approver – Described as 'in process' on the 'Requisitions' tab, select the order and click on 'Change'. Click 'Yes' to the warning that the order will be removed from the approval process. The order will now be treated as incomplete; to delete follow the instructions above.

Match an invoice that comes to more than the original order

If an invoice comes to considerably more than the original order you should investigate the reason for the discrepancy, and consider changing the value of the order itself.

Occasionally, the reason for the discrepancy will be known, and the amounts involved will be small. It is often the case that postage and packing has been omitted. The additional cost may be dealt with in a similar, but opposite, way as to removing a commitment.

Match the order to the invoice; either the order as a whole, or the lines of the order that the invoice relates to. The goods/service costs more than the original order, and so the invoice distribution will currently be showing less than the total invoice amount. However, the commitment for that part of the order will have been cleared. Add an extra line to the distribution to account for the additional cost, bearing in mind that the correction must be carried out before Tax. Click on the 'Calculate Tax' button; if the adjustment has been entered correctly then the distribution and invoice totals should match. 'Validate' and 'Account' as usual.

Change the account code for an invoice when matching to an order

In Accounts Payable, when matching an invoice to an order the user hasn't the ability to change the account code that was originally selected for the order. As matching, then reversing, the offending line and re-entering with the correct code will have the effect of reinstating the commitment, we recommended doing a journal to correct the entry after the event.

An alternative solution at the point of entry is, rather than reversing the line with the offending code, enter a new line with the amount reversed and copy down the account code. Enter a further line with both the correct amount and revised account code. This will have the same effect as having reversed the distribution line but the invoice will remain matched to the order and the corresponding commitment will have been removed.

Approve an Order

The ability to approve an order is limited to certain individuals within your school; usually a Head/Deputy Head or other nominated individual.

Select 'DCC Notifications', then 'Worklist' and choose the option 'To Do Notifications'. To approve an order, select the appropriate notification and click on 'Open', and 'View Requisition Details' if further information about the order is required. Click on 'Approve' when satisfied with the order; the requestor (i.e. the person who placed the order) will be informed of the approval, an order number will be allocated, and the order sent to the supplier.

Return a requisition to the requestor to alter prior to approval

If an Approver decides that a requisition needs to be altered prior to the order being issued, they should ask the requestor to withdraw the order from the approval process and delete or amend as necessary. Do not use the 'Reject' button as this may cause difficulties when attempting to complete the order.

Receipt an order placed by a colleague who's on leave

All users with access to i-Procurement are able to view and edit receipts for orders placed by their colleagues. However, there is currently no option to alter the order itself, where an order has been placed by another user.

Click on the receiving tab. Depending on whether you wish to 'Receive Items', 'Correct Receipts', 'Return Items' or simply 'View Receipts', click on the appropriate link. The 'Requester' defaults to the current user; change this to the user whose orders you wish to review. If you know the requisition number, supplier, order number or shipment number, use this in addition to the 'Requestor' to help limit the search. Change the 'Items Due' date; if you're unsure when the items are due select the option 'Any Time' and click on 'Go'. A list of results matching your search criteria will be returned. Depending on which option was chosen, you will be able to edit the receipts for that order.

I can't find a supplier in IPROC.

To confirm that a supplier is set up, and available for use on I-Procurement, you will need to use the 'Supplier Enquiry' function in Accounts Payable.

Enter part of the supplier's name in the 'Supplier Name' field, proceeded by a '%' symbol. For example, for W.H.Smith Ltd enter %smith; the field is not case-sensitive. Oracle will bring up a list of matching results; if the supplier has been set up it should appear on this list. Be careful where punctuation/spaces are used as Oracle will search for an exact match between what you enter and the way the supplier has been set up.

 To confirm that the supplier is set up for use in I-Procurement, follow the instructions above and select the required supplier. Make a note of the supplier number; you may find it helpful to keep a list of supplier numbers for commonly-used suppliers.

Click on 'Find'. Oracle brings up the supplier record for the supplier you have selected. Click on 'Sites'; a separate record is set up for each supplier site. Use the 'up' and 'down' arrows on your keyboard to toggle between these different sites. Under the 'General' tab there is a box marked 'Site Uses'. The field marked 'Purchasing' must be selected for the supplier site to be active in I-Procurement.

A supplier hasn't received an order that I've placed.

There have been a number of reports since the introduction of Oracle where suppliers have not received orders. Oracle Admin have identified three possible causes:

  • The way in which Oracle holds supplier information can sometimes disrupt the order process; work has been carried out over the summer holidays to rectify the problem.

  • The format used to email orders to suppliers has been found to be incompatible with software used by a small number of suppliers. Alternative formats are being considered.

  • The act of printing a copy order has been known to stop an order from being issued (see 'How can I view a purchase order/reissue a purchase order to a supplier?'). If you require a copy of a purchase order, please wait until 48 hours after the requisition has been approved.

I'm trying to add items to my basket but I get an error message reading 'Error - supplier invalid'.

This problem occurs where users attempt to add a supplier using the 'Supplier Name' field. Use the 'Request Type' field to select the supplier, which should resolve this problem.

Note: Not all suppliers visible under 'Supplier Name' are available to schools in i-Procurement.

 The 'Unit of measure' list doesn't contain the option that I require.

Oracle Admin have the ability to change lists in i-Procurement such as 'Unit of Measure'.

 I get an error message saying that I've 'Exceeded 200 lines on the order'. When I try to continue with the order I'm advised to contact the System Administrator.

This problem can be caused by using the back arrow at the top of the screen instead of the navigation buttons in Oracle.

When the first message appears, reselect the supplier by clicking on the torch next to 'Request Type' field. You should be able to continue with the order.

 I've submitted an order for approval but I've not heard anything back. Has the supplier received the order

First of all, check the status of the requisition. On the requisitions tab, locate the requisition that you submitted. If the 'Status' reads 'Approved', and an order number has been allocated, then the order will have been sent to the supplier. For peace of mind you may wish to forward a copy of the order; follow the procedure for doing so from the i-Procurement tip above.

 If the 'Status' reads 'Incomplete', one of the reasons for this may be as follows. Orders submitted for approval, but not approved within 5 days, are returned to the Requestor as a safeguard should the approver be absent. On the requisitions tab there's a link marked notifications. This informs the user of any changes affecting the status of an order, such as when an order has been approved or, in this instance, when the order has been returned. You may either resubmit the order to the approver if they are available, or alternatively submit the order to someone else in your school who has approval rights.

 I've submitted a requisition that has been approved, but its status is showing as 'incomplete'.

One reason for the requisition being marked as 'Incomplete', and its solution, is described above. Check whether the order has been approved.

If it has, the approval rights that the Approver has been given will be the likely cause of the problem. An Approver may be set different levels of approval depending on their position and role within the school. The approval level defines the maximum value of an order that can be approved. If an order exceeds this maximum value then the order may be sent for approval, and the Approver may approve the order, but the order will not be issued to the supplier. Resubmit the order to someone in your school with sufficient authority to approve the order.

If you feel that the authorisation level has been set incorrectly, please notify Oracle Admin who will correct the error.

 I've ordered goods from more than one supplier on the same requisition. The requisition is marked as 'incomplete' even though it's been authorised.

Oracle i-Procurement is unable to cope with requisitions that contain goods or services ordered from more than one supplier. This is caused by adding items to your shopping cart, then changing the supplier and adding further items to the cart before proceeding to the checkout. You are able to submit the order for approval, but the order will not be submitted to the suppliers.

Follow the procedure for cancelling an order that has not yet been approved, and submit a separate order for each supplier that you wish to order from.

 Does an approver have to approve both a Purchase Order and an invoice

Once the approval process for AP is turned on, invoices paid on AP that match a Purchase Order completely will be considered as authorised as an approver has already approved payment via the Purchase Order.

 I get an error message when I attempt to receipt goods received in a period that has since closed.

Receipting in iProc closes at the end of each period, which means that you can only receipt goods in the current period.

Adding DBlink from GL Responsibility

on Tuesday, December 1, 2009

To create an FSG report from Database instance "UAT" to instance "PROD" (import the report).
The COA setup of both instance should be the same.

Only one step needed :

From GL Super User, navigate to (N) à Setup à System à Database Links

Specify the below,



Connect String


Domain Name


APPS User Name


APPS password

apps (use your password)

Done, You could try to import the FSG report from UAT instance to PROD instance


The connect string is the same connection string taken from client's (e.g. your PC)  tnsnames.ora file