Oracle E-Business Tax

on Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Taxation is having very complex model from implementation mapping point of view and must can be considered in two dimension.

Sales Tax
Seller’s Use Tax
Consumer’s Use Tax
Rental Tax
Leasing Tax

Input VAT
Output VAT
Import VAT
Export VAT
Acquisition VAT
Consumption Tax
Goods and Services Tax

In simple layman term you understand like when you sell something you add on tax which is payable to the tax authorities. When you buy something you are able to recover the tax.Normally the net amount is paid to the tax authorities. Certain items are not recoverable, hence the term recoverable and non recoverable taxes are considered.

VAT is imposed on the value added to goods or services at each stage of their supply. The VAT charged on a customer invoice is referred to as Output Tax. Any VAT paid on a vendor invoice is referred to as Input Tax.

The amount due each period can be described as follows:
Amount Due = Output Tax - Input Tax

Goods and Services Tax – used in Canada and Australia ,Singapore– Similar to VAT

Withholding Taxes
A withholding tax is where an amount is withheld from a payment to the supplier and paid to the tax authorities. If the overall payment due to a supplier was say 120, it may be that they are only paid 100, the remaning 20 being paid over. Essential you are acting as a tax collector. This only applies to certain types of supplier in certain countries.

Recoverable Tax
Recoverable tax is one , which you can recover from your sales.

You can say VAT system. one suffer Tax when a person makes sales and which can be adjusted against the tax suffered when you make a purchase(Recoverable portion only) , end of the day , you pay to the tax authorities the Net of Tax paid on purchase and tax included on your sales.

Sales Tax
Sales taxes are tax levies charged on applicable revenues according to law; and reported and paid periodically to the relevant taxing jurisdiction.

Understanding is very important . Take a case with USA implemenation.

There is one basic rule that we need to understand when it comes to calculating tax, which is always calculated for the destination shipping address.

Take senarios : is an online retail website. It ships all its orders from a Warehouse. There are a couple of customers ordering a laptop of Model xyz drive on the website. One of the customers resides in NY and the other resides in the CA.

Now we have to decide which state’s tax law should we apply for calculating tax for the Laptop? Is it Dell for both of the customers? No its not.

For the customer who resides in NY, NY’s state’s law will apply and for the customer in CA, CA’s tax laws will apply.

Let’s understand the simple method:
List price of Laptop = $800
Tax on Laptop in NY = 7 %
Tax on Laptop in CA = 5 %
Sale price of Laptop for the customer in NY = $856.00
Sale price of Laptop for the customer in CA = $840.00
So, we understand that two customers, in two different states, might end up paying two different prices for the same product purchased.

Use Tax or consumption tax
These are some sort of levied by local jurisdictions where goods and services are delivered from outside the jurisdiction but consumed locally, and are often accrued and paid by the buyer rather than the seller. Thailand is one such usage of such tax.Japan levies a consumption tax on the value of goods.

More on VAT
As Value Added Tax or VAT is a tax or levy on the business at all levels of the manufacture and production of a good or service rendered and based on the increase in price, or value, is provided at each level. The percentages of VAT vary depending on the goods or services provided.

Benefits of VAT
The VAT has numerous benefits. They are:

It reduces cascading affects of taxes and removes distortions
It removes artificial incentives affecting choice of location of business since the VAT percentage on a particular type of good or service is same across all territories within the country
It is eminently collectible and more transparent; it renders high cost to businesses not being part of VAT chain;
...i.e. if someone conceals the output, one cannot get refund on input
Exports could be freed from Tax burden with World Trade Organization (WTO) compatibility


The VAT is defined as a Tax code in Oracle Applications in Accounts Payable module and the tax is attached to the invoice lines so that the tax is calculated as a positive tax on the invoice distribution lines.

What is important for Implementor for Tax
Data identification and configuration (aka set up)
Sales and use tax software integration (If using any third party tax software)
Record retention
Reporting : what is required is comprehensive data requirements of a tax department and tax reporting feature in ERP
Where is the Tax integration required
1.Order Management :Estimation of Sales Tax on Sales Orders
2.Accounts Receivables (AR) :Calculation of Sales Tax on Standard AR Invoices ,Credit memos/Debit memos & Adjustments ,Recurring invoices ,Manual invoices
3.iReceivables (credit memo requests)
4.Service & Project Billing (via AutoInvoice to AR)
5.CRM (iStore and Quoting via Order Capture)
6.Oracle Internet Expenses
7.Payables : GST included tax supplier Invoice
8.Purchasing :Estimate sales tax on POs, and update committed spend in Projects
9.Inventory :Self-accrue use tax on material transaction movements
10.General Ledger: Manually keyin Journal Entries
11.Oracle Trade Management
12.Oracle Services Contracts
Third Party tax @EBS
Vertex and Taxware are the two supported 3rd Party Software Vendors that Oracle Receivables uses to integrate with for tax calculating purposes. If you setup the integration the tax rates that are stored in the Oracle locations and rates tables are override and the calculation is done in the tax vendor.There is another Third party tax software called is SABRIX which is also widely used.

Trace a concurrent request and generate TKPROF file

on Monday, March 16, 2009

Steps to enable tracing for the Concurrent Manager Program

Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigate: Concurrent > Program > Define
Query Concurrent Program
Select the Enable Trace Checkbox

Turn ON Tracing

Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigate: Profiles > System
Query Profile Option Concurrent: Allow Debugging
Set profile to Yes

Run concurrent program with tracing turned ON

Logon to the Responsibility that runs the Concurrent Program
In the Submit Request Screen click on Debug Options (B)
Select the Checkbox for SQL Trace

Query to find Trace File Name

Run the following SQL to find out the Raw trace name and location for the concurrent program. The SQL prompts the user for the request id

'Request id: 'request_id
,'Trace id: 'oracle_Process_id
,'Trace Flag: 'req.enable_trace
,'Trace Name: 'dest.value'/'lower(dbnm.value) '_ora_' oracle_process_id '.trc'
,'Prog. Name: 'prog.user_concurrent_program_name
,'File Name: 'execname.execution_file_name execname.subroutine_name
,'Status : 'decode(phase_code,'R','Running') '-'decode(status_code,'R','Normal')
,'SID Serial: 'ses.sid',' ses.serial#
, 'Module : 'ses.module
fnd_concurrent_requests req
,v$session ses
,v$process proc
,v$parameter dest
,v$parameter dbnm
,fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog
,fnd_executables execname
req.request_id = &request and
req.oracle_process_id=proc.spid(+) and
proc.addr = ses.paddr(+) and'user_dump_dest' and'db_name' and
req.concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id and req.program_application_id = prog.application_id and
prog.application_id = execname.application_id and prog.executable_id=execname.executable_id

TKPROF Trace File

Once you have obtained the Raw trace file you need to format the file using TKPROF.

$tkprof raw_trace_file.trc output_file.prf explain=apps/apps sort=(exeela,fchela) sys=no

raw_trace_file.trc: Name of trace file
output_file: tkprof out file
explain: This option provides the explain plan for the sql statements
sort: This provides the sort criteria in which all sql statements will be sorted and would bring the bad sql at the top of the outputfile.
sys=no: Disables sql statements issued by user SYS

Another example: To get (TKPROF) sorted by longest running queries first and limits the results
to the “Top 10″ long running queries

$ tkprof sys=no explain=apps/ sort=’(prsela,exeela,fchela)’ print=10

Deleting a Scheduled Request


There is no standard functionality to delete any saved schedule.
The saved schedules are being stored in the table fnd_conc_release_classes_vl

,release_class_name schedule_name
,class_type schedule_type
owner_req_id is null and
enabled_flag != ‘N’ and
nvl(start_date_active,sysdate) <= sysdate and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate) >= sysdate
order by release_class_name

If you want to delete any saved schedule then you can perform any of the following:
Delete the row from the table FND_CONC_RELEASE_CLASSES_VL for the saved schedule.
It will be better to update the ENABLED_FLAG = ‘N’ for the saved schedule instead of deleting the row

Quries on Oracle Purchasing

on Saturday, March 14, 2009

,apps.Po_Requisition_headers_all prh
,apps.po_action_history pah
action_code='CANCEL' and
pah.object_type_code='REQUISITION' and

RQL.SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID is not null and not exists

(Relation with Requisition and PO )
,r.segment1 "Req Num"
,p.segment1 "PO Num"
,po_headers_all p
,po_distributions_all d
,po_req_distributions_all rd
,po_requisition_lines_all rl
,po_requisition_headers_all r
p.po_header_id = d.po_header_id and
d.req_distribution_id = rd.distribution_id and
rd.requisition_line_id = rl.requisition_line_id and
rl.requisition_header_id = r.requisition_header_id

(Purchase Requisition without a Purchase Order)

,prh.segment1 "PR NUM"
,trunc(prh.creation_date) "CREATED ON"
,trunc(prl.creation_date) "Line Creation Date"
,prl.line_num "Seq #"
,msi.segment1 "Item Num"
,prl.item_description "Description"
,prl.quantity "Qty"
,trunc(prl.need_by_date) "Required By"
,ppf1.full_name "REQUESTOR"
,ppf2.agent_name "BUYER"
,po.po_requisition_headers_all prh
,po.po_requisition_lines_all prl
,apps.per_people_f ppf1
,(select distinct agent_id,agent_name from apps.po_agents_v ) ppf2
,po.po_req_distributions_all prd
,inv.mtl_system_items_b msi
,po.po_line_locations_all pll
,po.po_lines_all pl
,po.po_headers_all ph
prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id and
prl.requisition_line_id = prd.requisition_line_id and
ppf1.person_id = prh.preparer_id and
prh.creation_date between ppf1.effective_start_date and ppf1.effective_end_date and
ppf2.agent_id(+) = msi.buyer_id and
msi.inventory_item_id = prl.item_id and
msi.organization_id = prl.destination_organization_id and
pll.line_location_id(+) = prl.line_location_id and
pll.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id(+) and
pll.pl_line_id = pl.po_line_id(+) and
prh.authorization_status = 'APPROVED' and
pll.line_location_id is NULL and
prl.closed_code is NULL and
nvl(prl.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
(Requisition moved from different stages till converting into PR)
,u.description "Requestor"
,porh.segment1 as "Req Number"
,trunc(porh.Creation_Date) "Created On"
,porh.Authorization_Status "Status"
,porh.Description "Description"
,poh.segment1 "PO Number"
,trunc(poh.Creation_date) "PO Creation Date"
,trunc(poh.Approved_Date) "Approved Date"

,apps.po_headers_all poh
,apps.po_distributions_all pod
,apps.po_req_distributions_all pord
,apps.po_requisition_lines_all porl
,apps.po_requisition_headers_all porh
,apps.fnd_user u
porh.requisition_header_id = porl.requisition_header_id and porl.requisition_line_id = pord.requisition_line_id and
pord.distribution_id = pod.req_distribution_id(+) and
pod.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id(+) and
porh.created_by = u.user_id
order by 2
,prh.segment1 "PR NUM"
,trunc(prh.creation_date) "CREATED ON"
,trunc(prl.creation_date) "Line Creation Date"
,prl.line_num "Seq #"
,msi.segment1 "Item Num"
,prl.item_description "Description"
,prl.quantity "Qty"
,trunc(prl.need_by_date) "Required By"
,ppf1.full_name "REQUESTOR"
,ppf2.agent_name "BUYER"
,po.po_requisition_headers_all prh
,po.po_requisition_lines_all prl
,apps.per_people_f ppf1
,(select distinct agent_id,agent_name from apps.po_agents_v ) ppf2
,po.po_req_distributions_all prd
,inv.mtl_system_items_b msi
,po.po_line_locations_all pll
,po.po_lines_all pl
,po.po_headers_all ph
prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id and
prl.requisition_line_id = prd.requisition_line_id and
ppf1.person_id = prh.preparer_id and
prh.creation_date between ppf1.effective_start_date and ppf1.effective_end_date and
ppf2.agent_id(+) = msi.buyer_id and
msi.inventory_item_id = prl.item_id and
msi.organization_id = prl.destination_organization_id and
pll.line_location_id(+) = prl.line_location_id and
pll.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id(+) and
pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id(+) and
prh.authorization_status = 'APPROVED' and
pll.line_location_id is NULL and
prl.closed_code is NULL and
nvl(prl.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'

,a.org_id "ORG ID"
,e.vendor_name "SUPPLIER NAME"
,UPPER(e.vendor_type_lookup_code) "VENDOR TYPE"
,f.vendor_site_code "VENDOR SITE CODE"
, "CITY"
,to_char(trunc(d.CREATION_DATE)) "PO Date"
,d.segment1 "PO NUM"
,d.type_lookup_code "PO Type"
,c.quantity_ordered "QTY ORDERED"
,c.quantity_cancelled "QTY CANCELLED"
,g.item_id "ITEM ID"
,g.item_description "ITEM DESCRIPTION"
,g.unit_price "UNIT PRICE"
,(NVL(c.quantity_ordered,0)-NVL(c.quantity_cancelled,0))*NVL(g.unit_price,0) "PO Line Amount"
,(select decode(ph.approved_FLAG, 'Y', 'Approved') from
po.po_headers_all ph where,ph.po_header_ID = d.po_header_id) "PO Approved?"
, a.invoice_type_lookup_code "INVOICE TYPE"
,a.invoice_amount "INVOICE AMOUNT"
,to_char(trunc(a.INVOICE_DATE)) "INVOICE DATE"
,a.invoice_num "INVOICE NUMBER"
,(select decode(x.MATCH_STATUS_FLAG, 'A', 'Approved') from ap.ap_invoice_distributions_all x where
,x.invoice_distribution_id = b.invoice_distribution_id) "Invoice Approved?"
,h.invoice_payment_id "Payment Id"
,i.check_number "Cheque Number"
,to_char(trunc(i.check_DATE)) "Payment Date"
,a.invoice_id = b.invoice_id and
b.po_distribution_id = c. po_distribution_id (+) and
c.po_header_id = d.po_header_id (+) and
e.vendor_id (+) = d.VENDOR_ID and
f.vendor_site_id (+) = d.vendor_site_id and
d.po_header_id = g.po_header_id and
c.po_line_id = g.po_line_id and
a.invoice_id = h.invoice_id and
h.check_id = i.check_id and
f.vendor_site_id = i.vendor_site_id and
c.PO_HEADER_ID is not null and
a.payment_status_flag = 'Y' and
d.type_lookup_code != 'BLANKET'

,h.segment1 "PO NUM"
,h.authorization_status "STATUS"
,l.line_num "SEQ NUM"
,h.type_lookup_code "TYPE"
,po.po_headers_all h
,po.po_lines_all l
,po.po_line_locations_all ll
,po.po_distributions_all d
h.po_header_id = l.po_header_id and
ll.po_line_id = l.po_Line_id and
ll.line_location_id = d.line_location_id and
h.closed_date is NULL and
h.type_lookup_code not in ('QUOTATION')

Get po_header_id first and run each query and then analyze the data.
For better understanding this is splited into 5 major stages.
Stage 1: PO Creation

select po_header_id from po_headers_all where segment1 =;
select * from po_headers_all where po_header_id =;
select * from po_lines_all where po_header_id =;
select * from po_line_locations_all where po_header_id =;
select * from po_distributions_all where po_header_id =;
SELECT * FROM po_releases_all WHERE po_header_id =;

Stage 2: Once PO is received, data is moved to respective receving tables and inventory tables

select * from rcv_shipment_headers where shipment_header_id in
(select shipment_header_id from rcv_shipment_lineswhere po_header_id =);
select * from rcv_shipment_lines where po_header_id =;
select * from rcv_transactions where po_header_id =;
SELECT * FROM rcv_Accounting_Events WHERE rcv_transaction_id IN
(select transaction_id from rcv_transactionswhere po_header_id =);
select * from rcv_receiving_sub_ledger where rcv_transaction_id IN
(select transaction_id from rcv_transactions where po_header_id =);
select * from rcv_sub_ledger_detailswhere rcv_transaction_id IN
(select transaction_id from rcv_transactions where po_header_id =);
select * from mtl_material_transactions where transaction_source_id =;
select * from mtl_transaction_accounts where transaction_id IN
(select transaction_id from mtl_material_transactions where transaction_source_id =);

Stage 3: Invoicing details
select * from ap_invoice_distributions_all where po_distribution_id in
( select po_distribution_id from po_distributions_all where po_header_id =);
select * from ap_invoices_all where invoice_id in
(select invoice_id from ap_invoice_distributions_all where po_distribution_id in( select po_distribution_id from po_distributions_all where po_header_id =));

Stage 4 : Mostly there is tie up with Project related PO

select * from pa_expenditure_items_all peia where peia.orig_transaction_reference IN
(select to_char(transaction_id) from mtl_material_transactions where transaction_source_id = );

Stage 5 : General Ledger
Prompt 17. GL_BC_PACKETS ..This is for encumbrances
SELECT * FROM gl_bc_packets WHERE reference2 IN (’‘);
select * from gl_interface gli where user_je_source_name =’Purchasing’
and gl_sl_link_table =’RSL’ and reference21=’PO’ and exists
(select 1 from rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rrsl where gli.reference22 =RRSL.reference2 and GLI.reference23 =RRSL.reference3AND GLI.reference24 =RRSL.reference4AND RRSL.rcv_transaction_id in(select transaction_id from rcv_transactionswhere po_header_id ));
SELECT *FROM gl_import_references GLIR WHERE reference_1=’PO’ AND gl_sl_link_table =’RSL’AND EXISTS
( SELECT 1 FROM rcv_receiving_sub_ledger RRSLWHERE GLIR.reference_2 =RRSL.reference2AND GLIR.reference_3 =RRSL.reference3 AND GLIR.reference_4 =RRSL.reference4AND RRSL.rcv_transaction_id in
(select transaction_id from rcv_transactions where po_header_id =))

Change Default APPS password

on Sunday, March 8, 2009

1. Shutdown concurrent manager

2. Logon as sysadmin

3. Goto sysadmin-->security-->Oracle-->Register

4. Query for APP%

5. Change the APPLSY & APPS Password (Both the Password should be same)

6. Logon to TOAD as system/manager and run the command
1. Alter user APPS identified by >
1. Alter user APPLSYS identified by >
1. Commit

7. Edit startup and shutdown scripts in the following lines:
1. sh apps/<> -- Startup script
1. sh apps/<>-- Shutdown script

8. Edit the following files (change the path according to your instance)
8. /applvis/testappl/admin/TEST_cctcal/out/templbac/ -- Optional
8. /applvis/testappl/admin/TEST_cctcal/out/02111859/ -- Optional
8. /applvis/testora/iAS/Apache/modplsql/cfg/

Find the word password and type the new password against the password field where the original value is APPS. There might be many password fields in these files. Do not change other password fields where the default password is not APPS.

9. Use vi command to open the aforementioned files
:set ic
/password – This will take the cursor to the first password fieldIf this password field has default value as APPS, change it. If this is not the field then press “n” to go to the next password field. Do this till you get the correct field. Save the file once the change is made.

There will be only one password field with default value as APPS in each of the files. So you need to make only one change per file. Restart all the services (bounce the DB & restart all services) Login to application and test whether you can enter into the forms.

Overview of Oracle Payables


Payables Workbenches
Oracle Payables includes two fully integrated workbenches, the Invoice Workbench and the Payment Workbench. You can perform most of your transactions in Payables using the Invoice Workbench or the Payment Workbench. You enter, adjust, and review invoices and invoice batches in the Invoice Workbench. You create, adjust, and review payments and payment batches in the Payments Workbench.

Payables workbenches let you find critical information in a flexible way. For example, in the Invoice Workbench, you can find an invoice based on supplier, purchase order number, status, or other criteria. Then, for that invoice, you can review distributions, scheduled payments, payments, holds, and other detailed invoice information. You can also perform matching, submit invoice validation, apply and release holds, or initiate payment. You can query an invoice then perform several transactions without having to find the invoice again. You can also keep multiple windows open at one time.

Invoice Workbench
The Invoice Workbench is a group of windows that you use to enter, adjust, and review your invoices and invoice batches. The following is the window hierarchy in the Invoice Workbench:
  • Invoice Batches
  • Find Invoice Batches
  • Invoices
  • Find Invoices
  • Calculate Balance Owed
  • Distributions
  • Find Invoice Distributions
  • Invoice Actions
  • Apply/Unapply Prepayments
  • Invoice Overview

The following diagram shows how you can navigate between the windows in the Invoice Workbench. You navigate into the Invoices window or Invoice Batches window through the Navigator, and navigate to most regions by choosing tabs. You can access the Find windows from the View menu, and the Apply/Unapply Prepayment window by selecting the appropriate check box in the Invoice Actions window. You access the matching windows from the Invoices window by selecting Invoice, Purchase Order, or Receipt from the match poplist and then choosing the Match button.

Overview of HRMS

on Friday, March 6, 2009

Oracle Applications for Human Resources enable an organization to hire, train, and deploy, assess, motivate and reward its people more effectively than ever before, turning HR into a strategic-level function and key contributor to an organization's success. By automating its administrative duties, providing self-service for non-HR professionals, and managing information more efficiently, HR professionals can devote their energy and creativity to delivering the maximum value for the organization's investment in people.

The Oracle HRMS application modules include:
Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Payroll
Oracle Training Administration
Oracle Time Management

Delivering Integrated HRMS Functionality
The Oracle HRMS applications are part of the integrated, enterprise-wide solution Oracle ebusiness Suite for information management that includes software for managing finance, sales and marketing, the supply chain and manufacturing. The HRMS software, for example, is linked to the financial applications to streamline such processes as employee compensation and managing training costs and expenditures.

All the Oracle HRMS applications use the Oracle database as their single source of information, which eliminates data redundancy, reduces the possibility of conflicting data in different databases, and creates a consistent, complete, reliable picture of every employee.

All the Oracle HRMS applications offer a sophisticated, easy-to-use graphical user interface to give users fast, easy access to all HR data. The intuitive windowing, mouse actions, icons, and built-in drill downs allow transactions and inquiries to flow naturally and quickly. Everyone involved in managing a workforce benefits from easy access to the information needed to make timely and informed decisions.

Oracle Human Resources
Oracle Human Resources is a proactive management solution that helps control costs while developing and supporting an effective workforce for the enterprise. Oracle HR can be configured to match the organization's business objectives and processes and be automated to complete a variety of tasks including: organization and position control, recruitment processing, employee profiling, career development and the management of compensation and benefit policies.

Implementing these practices can help turn HR departments into a strategic function that is highly valued within the enterprise.

Oracle Training Administration
Oracle Training Administration ensures that the organization improves the abilities of its employees or external students to meet current and future objectives in a cost-effective and targeted way. The module allows organizations to manage any event-based development activities which improve skills, such as remote site learning, work experience, formal class tuition, external seminars and conferences. Training events can be scheduled and tracked based on many combinations of criteria. In addition, enrollment information can be extensively tracked so that student competencies are available for career planning as well as candidate placements, performance appraisals, and other activities. Oracle Training Administration is fully integrated with Oracle Human Resources and the Oracle Financials applications to enable organizations to harness training delivery to the skill requirements of jobs and positions.

Oracle Payroll
Oracle Payroll is a high-performance, graphical, rules-based payroll management system designed to keep pace with the changing needs of the enterprise and its workforce. Each company's unique payroll requirements demand the ability to configure its payroll solution without losing the benefits of a standard, supported package. Oracle Payroll offers that capability via a unique, data-driven approach that enables organizations to define and manage its diverse payroll requirements.

Oracle Time Management
Time collection and processing is a complex and time consuming task that must be 100 percent accurate to generate a correct paycheck. Automated, accurate time management can benefit other functions within an organization. Oracle Time Management enables organizations to manage complex pay structures, track total hours worked, job classifications, vacation time, and a range of company and union pay organization.

It provides an automated and/or manual time collection interface that directly accepts, consolidates, and processes employee time against employer-specific parameters and legal requirements ("organization. Ot permits an employer to monitor any violation of its rules and take appropriate steps to resolve the problem prior to incurring further inefficiencies and/or the production of an inaccurate organization. On addition, earning policies can be created that apply to groups of people such as union workers, temps, full-time and part-time organization.

Oracle Time Management ensures that the correct number of time entries and hours are received from remote locations, which in turn produces a valuable analysis of employee productivity.

Each module is designed to deliver key benefits that reflect the most current thinking in the HR field.

a. Best Practice in HR Management
The HRMS modules cover all the functions an HR department performs to enable more efficient management of HR procedures, saving time and decreasing organization. Ohe applications are structured around proven procedures, yet allow organizations to make modifications to suit its unique organization. This flexibility is vital to effectively manage the HR function, enabling organizations to choose best practices as it sees fit, without having them imposed on its existing HR procedures.

b. Rapid Business Policy Adoption
The Oracle HRMS applications make it easy for organizations to change HR practices to reflect changes in business policy, regulations, and organization. Ohanges can be implemented through the rules-based payroll engine, business events defined with workflow functions, and flexibility of data access and data entry is ensured for increased organization. Configuration puts real choice in the hands of the day-to-day user by enabling them to make changes quickly and implement them immediately.

c. Direct Access
Oracle understands both the HR function and the possibilities of the organization. Oirect access is about providing a low-cost, convenient solution to multiple audiences within the organization on demand; this greatly improves the service the HR department provides and frees them up to deliver strategic value to the organization.

Then employees themselves can conveniently access records to perform such tasks as updating personal information or completing self-assessment forms, HR staff members have more time to devote to such tasks as strategic planning, defining core competencies, and creating more effective incentive organization. Complementing Oracle HRMS applications enables the HR staff to provide more autonomy to employees while retaining control over information and ensuring the organization complies with all organization. This process of "consultative HR" positions the HR department as an information provider and involves employees in planning and shaping their careers.

d. Competency-Based Skills Improvements
The applications take a competency-driven approach to managing human organization. Ohe Oracle HRMS system supplies individual knowledge and skills information to enable users to properly position employees within the organization, with a close fit between an employee's competencies and the requirements of a organization. Oy providing a framework for the HR department to hire, train, and compensate employees based on competency and performance, Oracle HRMS applications improve the capacity of the HR group to help meet enterprise goals.

e. Global Reach on a Global Foundation
Oracle recognizes the importance of building multinational capabilities into business-critical organization. Oesigned from the start with a global perspective, Oracle HRMS software is localized to the currency structure, taxation policies, and reporting conventions of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, and parts of organization. Oracle works with local employees and partners to ensure the HRMS applications accurately reflect not only the legislative requirements of each country, but also the HR processes commonly practiced, different methods of inputting and using data, language differences, different policy rules, and cultural differences.

f. Rapid Response to Industry Trends
The Oracle HRMS applications offer unparalleled flexibility, which derives from the structure of the organization. Each module consists of a set of "core" functions, which are used by the majority of HR departments, regardless of their organization or organization. Oround that core, Oracle adds a layer of other functions, which allows for a rapid response to industry trends that affect any or all organization. Ohe result is that all users benefit from powerful core functionality and users in specific industries benefit, such as the government sector,from custom enhancements.

Unique Features and Benefits
Easy-to-use Configuration Options -- There are many configuration options to tailor the features and functions of the organization. Oonfigurations are easy to perform via a Forms interface; they are fully supported by Oracle, preserved when upgraded, and date-effective so they can be changed as needs change. Configuration options allow users to specify access to forms, define security functions that control information available to different users, create menus that facilitate user navigation, and create forms that display data on groups of people, assignments or events in easily updated lists, among other choices. Web applications can be configured directly for display on Web screens.

Web-based Administrative Automation -- By increasing self-sufficiency and empowering employees to manage personal HR information, Oracle's Web-based applications benefit organizations in a variety of ways, including: automating business rules and policies, reducing errors, minimizing paper handling, reducing administrative costs, eliminating bottlenecks, and adding convenience for organization. Ohe cumulative effect of these benefits is to greatly reduce the time the HR organization spends on administrative tasks and enable it to operate in a strategic capacity. Effective Training To Meet Corporate Goals -- Once the organization defines its goals and the core competencies required to meet them, Oracle Applications enable HR departments to hire employees with the right competencies and train existing employees so that their skills remain aligned with the organization's organization. Applying this approach in a consistent, systematic way across the enterprise--for appraisals, assessment, recording accomplishments, and other activities--results in a workforce equipped with the skills and knowledge to give the organization a competitive advantage.

Best Global Solution
Multilingual capabilities enable applications to communicate in one language while generating documents in organization. This capability enables organizations to quickly convert and consolidate records from worldwide organization. Omong the software's key global features are: multi-currency; multilingual; multiple address styles for any country for any person, no matter what their country of employment; multiple legislations on the same database, so that a U.S. and a U.K. organization may both be represented, with their appropriate legislative, cultural, and functional rules; structures common among countries are stored in the core HRMS software to facilitate global inquiry and reporting; ability to create global views of data across business groups which represent different legislations.

Oracle Applications is the leading provider of packaged client/server solutions for the enterprise. In an extremely competitive marketplace, Oracle Applications "best in class" differentiation is achieved through several strong technology advantages:

Oracle's core technology stack, comprising enterprise-caliber database server software, development tools and packaged applications; customized critical applications solutions; and, the delivery of total solutions which leverage Oracle's Web-enablement, online analytical processing (OLAP), and modular, "rapid solutions assembly" technologies.

By providing customers with assurance, accountability and flexible end-to-end solutions, Oracle Applications is establishing new standards for excellence in enterprise applications and extending its leadership in the applications arena.

Self Assessed Tax in Oracle Payables

on Thursday, March 5, 2009

Self-Assed Tax

Self Assessed tax differs from regular taxes in one way: as a purchaser, you are responsible for reporting and paying the tax and the supplier is not. This was also known as USE TAX in previous releases.

For example,
You receive an invoice for $1000 which is due to be paid to the supplier. Tax A for 10% was not charged on the invoice however, as the purchaser, you recognize that you are responsible to pay tax A. You would self-assess Tax A for the $100 and include it in your filings to the corresponding tax authority.


The flexibility to have self assessed tax automatically assessed (based on tax setup) or to manually mark the calculated tax as self assessed during invoice entry.
An ability to have recoverable and non-recoverable portions of self assessed tax amounts based on your invoice details.
The ability to report and account detailed recoverable and non-recoverable self assessed tax AND the corresponding Self Assessed Tax Liabilities when the transaction is accounted.


Improved Fiscal Discipline
Automatic reporting and accrual helps maintain an audit trail for the tax amounts and the invoices they tie to.
Separate liability accounts for self assessed taxes translate to more granular and accurate accounting.

Improved Operational Excellence
By automating previously manual processes and providing functionality available during invoice entry, the propensity for human error or delayed information is reduced.

Self Assessed Tax Predetermined Process

During Invoice Entry, Validation, and Import, Payables gathers information known as “tax drivers’ entered on the invoice header and lines and passes that information to the new E-Business Tax module.
Based on these tax drivers and additional information derived by E-Business Tax such as the supplier’s party tax profile and buyer’s and supplier’s tax registrations, the engine determines if any self assessed tax is applicable to the invoice.
The self assessed tax will be passed back to Payables along with the recoverable and non-recoverable tax amounts and the General Ledger Accounts for the recoverable tax and self assessed liability.
Payables displays the self assessed tax amount in a column on the Invoice header in the Invoice Workbench. Payables will also derive the accounts for the non-recoverable portion of the self assessed tax then store all accounts to be used later when the invoice is accounted.
When the Invoice is Accounted, the self assessed tax and corresponding self assessed tax liabilities will be accounted along with the rest of the invoice.

Self Assessed Tax Manual Determination Process

This slide illustrates the process for an invoice where the calculated tax returned by the E-Business Tax engine is expected to be paid to the supplier and the Payables’ user updates the it as Self Assessed instead.
Just like the first example, Payables gathers tax drivers entered on the invoice header and lines and passes that information to the E-Business Tax module.
Based on these tax drivers and additional information derived by E-Business Tax, the engine calculates the tax that is expected to be paid to the supplier (in other words: Non-self assessed taxes)

Self Assessed Tax: Predetermined Set Up – First Party, Party Tax Profile

To enable the application to automatically assess self assessed taxes for the First Party or for certain Third Party Suppliers, you need to first set up the Party Tax Profile. The Party Tax Profile is party specific, tax related information that can be associated to 1st and 3rd parties. It includes information such as defaults, tax registrations, classifications and tax reporting codes.
Using the Tax Managers responsibility, navigate to the Parties, Party Tax Profiles page. Search based on the Party Type of First Party Legal Establishment and the desired party name.

You have the flexibility to configure First Party Establishments for Self Assessed Taxes at the following levels based on your needs:
Registration, Regime
Registration, Regime, Tax
Registration, Regime, Tax, Tax Jurisdiction
From the Tax Summary Window, the Payables user marks the tax as self assessed. E-Business Tax updates their records and returns the tax details to Payables.
Payables stores the GL Accounts, displays the self assessed tax amount in a column on the Invoice header and the validated invoice is ready for accounting.

Self Assessed Tax: Predetermined Set Up – First Party, Party Tax Profile

Enable Self Assessment on the Party Tax Profiles tab
By checking the Set for Self Assessment/Reverse Charge option at a particular level, E-Business Tax returns applicable taxes for supplier invoices that fall within the level
–For example, if you enable this option at the Registration – Regime level, all invoices to be taxed within that regime will be considered Self Assessed tax

You can also set up a particular supplier’s Party Tax Profile by doing either of the following:
Use the Tax Managers responsibility to query a Third Party
Navigate to the Tax Details page from the Supplier (Entry) pages from the Payables Responsibility

Implementation Considerations

E-Business Tax is a common module available with Oracle Financial Applications.
The E-Business Tax engine is responsible for calculating tax amounts applicable to invoices.
It also assists in automatically identifying taxes as self assessed and allows setting options for manual determination.
Subledger Accounting is also a common module available with Oracle Financial Applications.
Subledger Accounting is not specific to this feature but a general tool to configure accounting entries and to provide accounting reports to meet your needs.

Balance Forward Billing in Oracle AR


Balance Forward Billing

Balance Forward Billing replaces Consolidated Billing feature with enhancements to bill creation and presentation.

Billing Cycles
-Billing cycles are no longer just monthly. Easily create daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, and annual billings
-Bill on specific days of the month. User can not only specify the day of the month for the billing date, or even multiple days like “every 15th and last day of month”. User can also elect to bill on a specific day of the week, such as every Friday.
-Choose to exclude weekends. User can skip weekends when determining billing dates, so billing dates only fall on workdays
-For importing transactions with specific dates, there is an External Billing Cycle

Consolidate invoices at different customer levels

Activity can be consolidated across account sites, or by each billing site. This means one bill can be sent for each billing location, or a single bill can be sent incorporating all invoices for that customer account within an organization

Not all billing sites for a customer must consolidate their invoices. A site can be excluded from the account level bill. If a site prefers to receive individual invoices, that site can be excluded from the Balance Forward bill.

Specific invoices can be excluded from the Balance Forward Bill. By changing the payment term on an invoice, it can be printed separately

Enhanced viewing and printing

Balance Forward Billing integrates with Oracle Bill Management, which provides formats with a more appealing layout that can be easily modified. In 11i, there are five consolidated bill programs. The new feature consolidates these programs into three.


1. Flexibility

In 11i, you had to choose between consolidating all invoices for a customer into one monthly bill, or printing all invoices separately. Plus, if you needed different billing formats that meant customizing print layouts.

Now you have expanded billing periods definition by using the new billing cycle concept; varied levels of consolidation; the ability to exclude specific invoices, and unlimited formats that are easily created and maintained and selected automatically by a rules engine

2. Clearer communication with the customer

User views the balance forward bill online exactly as the customer sees it

3. Accurate Aging

In 11i Consolidated Billing, the payment term assigned to the transaction was ignored if consolidated billing was enabled. This meant that the due date on an individual invoice may be different then on the consolidated bill if the payment term assigned to the invoice was different than the default payment term assigned to the customer. Aging is based on due date of the individual invoice, while payment due date was based on the payment term assigned to the customer. This caused aging to be out of sync with bills due date. Now all Invoices that are consolidated on the same bill have the same payment term and due date, guaranteeing the individual invoices will age simultaneously.

Setup and Process

The key setup steps are:

1.Define a Billing Cycle
2.Define or update the Payment term and assign it the Billing Cycle
3.Enable Balance Forward Billing for customers wishing consolidated bills at either the site or account level.

The process is then executed as follows:

1.Enter transactions or import them using AutoInvoice or Transaction API

2.Run the Generate Balance Forward Bill Program to create the bills as either draft or final, or set it up to run automatically
The generate program will kick off the print program in BPA to create either draft or final bills.
In Draft format, they can be reviewed before sending.
If the process is mature, you may elect to run Generate Balance Forward Bill Program in the create Final Bill format. In which case, the BPA program will create final bills.

3.If you create bills in draft mode, you can either reject or accept the bills using the Confirm Balance Forward Bills Program.
You can choose to reprint draft bills via the BPA Print Program by selecting the concurrent request ID.

Balance Forward Billing Setup - Define Billing Cycle

Responsibility: Receivables

Navigation: Setup:Print > Balance Forward Billing Cycles

For Daily, you can pick the number of days before the next bill. Also choose whether to include weekends in the number of days. For example, you can choose a daily cycle that is every 5 days, not including weekends in the daily count.

For Weekly, you can pick the number of weeks before the next bill. Also, choose the day of the week the bill will be created. For example, you can choose bi-weekly billing that occurs every other Friday.

Balance Forward Billing Setup - Define Billing Cycle

For the monthly cycle, choose the number of months before the next bill. For example, choose 3 months if you need quarterly billing, or 6 months if you need bi-annual billing.

Also choose the day of the month to create the bill. This option allows you to choose more than one date so billing can occur bi-monthly on the same days each month. For example, you can set it so billing occurs on the 15th and last of day of each month.

By choosing Type of Day, you can elect to create the bills only on the workdays Monday through Friday. When you chose “Exclude Saturdays and Sundays”, if the billing date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the billing date automatically changes to the date of the following Monday.

Balance Forward Billing Setup - Define Payment Term

Responsibility: Receivables

Navigation: Setup : Transactions > Payment Terms

Billing Cycle is a new attribute of the Payment term and must be assigned to the payment term to process balance forward billing. This field is not updateable if the payment term has been used.

Cutoff Date information is now setup on the billing cycle, therefore the Cutoff Date block has been removed from the payment term setup window.

The payment schedule dates:

-Due Date is calculated based on the cycle and billing date therefore, the Due Date is not enterable for Balance Forward Bills
-The Due Days field can indicate how many days after the billing date the bill is due for daily and weekly cycles
-Day of Month and Months ahead can be used with the Monthly billing cycle. It is recommended that these only be used when a single bill day is used otherwise the due date will be the same for all the bills created during the calendar month.

After a balance forward billing payment term has been attached to a customer profile, the cycle will not be updateable.

Existing payment terms cannot be updated to balance forward billing payment terms and vice versa.

Consolidated or Proxima billing terms created in 11i will automatically be updated to balance forward billing payment terms.

Balance Forward Billing Setup - Customer Profile Class

Responsibility: Receivables

Navigation: Customers > Profile Classes

The customer profile class can be updated with the Balance Forward Billing information, which can then default to the profile on the customer account record.

This region replaces the Consolidated Bill region in 11i.

The Enable Checkbox must be checked to select a payment term with a Balance Forward Billing cycle.

Balance Forward Bills can be created in summary or detail format: summary is at invoice total level; detail is at the invoice line level. Imported is used for the Imported Billing Number feature that was introduced in 11i.

-Note: The default print formats use this customer profile. If you do not want to use this option, you can create rules in BPA to ignore this value. When creating a rule, use the attribute “Display Format” to look at the value in this field.

The Payment Term field allows you to choose either a Balance Forward if the Enabled checkbox is selected, or a Non-balance forward term if the Enable checkbox is not selected.

The Override Terms checkbox means that the default Balance Forward bill payment term on an invoice can be changed. You can only select a non-balance forward payment term if you are overriding the default. Changing the payment term on the invoice means that you do not want this invoice to be included on the bill.

Note: This is different functionality then 11i Consolidated billing which included all in voices on the bill regardless of the payment term assigned if consolidated billing was enabled.

Oracle BPA Rules Setup

Rules in BPA determine which template is used for printing and viewing Balance Forward Bills. Rules are created and then the templates get assigned to them.

If you wish to have similar functionality as was provided by Consolidated Billing, use the default rules delivered with the feature. If you wish to create new BPA rules, and you want to use the Summary/Detail Type assigned to the customer profile option, use the BPA attribute called “Display Format”.

BPA uses the following information to create the default rules:

-The Primary Data Source must be Oracle Receivables Balance Forward. Use this source when creating your own BPA rules.
-There are two Default rules: 1) one rule uses the attribute “Display Format” = Detail, 2) another rule uses the attribute “Display Format” = Summary
-These rules are then included in the rule hierarchy.
-Templates are assigned to each of rules. You can use the delivered summary and detail templates provided by BPA, or create and use your own templates

When you run Generate Balance Forward Bills, BPA looks at the customer profile for the value assigned to the Summary/Detail Type to determine which template to choose.

Configure and use Credit Card Chargeback features

on Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Credit Card Chargeback

A credit card chargeback takes place when a credit card holder disputes a charge with the credit card company (e.g. VISA) and the credit card company issues a chargeback to the customer for the disputed amount and notifies the vendor that they have issued a chargeback to the customer.

A cardholder can request a charge back for many reasons including, but not limited to:

Charges for undelivered goods
Charges for goods or services different from what was ordered or if they received the wrong quantity of the goods or services ordered.
Charges for goods that were not timely delivered

In release 11i, we already have the functionality for the vendor to issue a chargeback directly to the customer. The customer can however also request a chargeback from the credit card issuer, so in release 12 - we are introducing the functionality for the vendor to also be able to register and process a chargeback that a card issuer has already issued to the customer.

Reduce costs by automating the credit card chargeback process

Credit Card Chargeback Process

After having received the credit card chargeback notification from the card issuers, the vendor will:

Find the receipt for which the chargeback was requested.
Un-apply the application line and subtract the amount of the credit card chargeback.
Apply the credit card chargeback activity on a new application line on the receipt. This automatically generates a negative miscellaneous receipt to the value of the chargeback.

If the vendor finds the chargeback to be valid, the vendor creates a credit memo to credit the invoice with the amount charged back.

If the vendor can prove to the credit card company that the chargeback was not valid, the vendor reverses the application of the credit card chargeback by:

Finding the receipt
Un-applying the credit card chargeback activity from the receipt. This automatically reverses the negative miscellaneous receipt
Restoring the original amount on the application line.

It is important to understand how our new Credit Card Chargeback functionality differs from the Credit Card Refunds we already have in 11i:

Credit card refunds: The merchant needs to refund the customer. So the negative misc. receipt must be remitted.
Credit card chargebacks: The customer has already received the chargeback, so the vendor will just need to record that a chargeback has taken place. The purpose of the misc. receipt is just to keep the accounting in place.

Business Process Steps

The business process that takes place when a credit card chargeback needs to be recorded is a three step process:

1.The vendor receives the receipt, records it and applies it to the invoice.
2.The vendor receives the Credit Card Chargeback notification and records the credit card chargeback by applying the credit card chargeback to the receipt
3.The vendor then needs to investigate if the Credit Card Chargeback is valid or not.

Based on the outcome, the vendor can choose to either:

-Acknowledge the credit card chargeback and credit the invoice, or
-Prove that the credit card chargeback was not valid, and after acknowledgement un-apply the credit card chargeback from the receipt

Credit Card Chargeback Process Receive Receipt

A customer visits a web store and orders goods for $100 using their credit card
The credit card company authorizes the payment and notifies the vendor of the receipt of $100
The vendor processes the receipt and applies it to the invoice.
Please note that there are no changes in how these activities are carried out in R12.

Let’s now take a look at the credit card chargeback process.

The customer receives the goods, but finds that goods for $25 are missing.
The customer files a dispute with the credit card company for $25
The credit card company credits the customer $25 and notifies the vendor that a chargeback of $25 has taken place.
The vendor applies the credit card chargeback to the receipt which generates a miscellaneous receipt to decrease cash with $25
Here we can see how the clearing account for the receivable activity of type ‘Credit Card Chargeback’ is used. It gets credited when the credit card charge back is applied and gets debited when the misc. receipt is generated.

Accounting Entries

Un-apply the receipt
–DR Receivables $25
–CR Unapplied $25

Apply the credit card chargeback
–DR Unapplied $25
–CR Credit Card Chargeback $25

Misc. receipt is generated
–DR Credit Card Chargeback $25
–CR Cash $25

Chargeback Process for Vendor:
1.Find receipt
2.Un-apply the receipt
3.Decrease the value on the receipt application line to $75
4.Apply $25 to receipt activity ‘Credit Card Chargeback’ (creates a negative misc. receipt of $25)

Validate Credit Card Chargeback

After the vendor has analyzed the credit card chargeback, the vendor can find the credit chargeback to be either valid or invalid.

The vendor can now either:

Acknowledge the credit card charge back and credit the invoice.
Prove to the credit card company that the credit card chargeback was invalid and un-apply the credit card chargeback from the receipt once it has been acknowledged by the credit card company that the credit card chargeback was invalid.

If the vendor acknowledges the credit card chargeback, the vendor simply credits the invoice by creating a credit memo for $25.

Credit the invoice by creating a credit memo
–DR Revenue $25
–CR Receivables $25

Vendor proves the chargeback to be invalid:

Un-apply the credit card chargeback
–DR Credit Card Chargeback $25
–CR Unapplied $25

Misc. receipt is automatically reversed
–DR Cash $25
–CR Credit Card Chargeback $25

Reapply the receipt
–DR Unapplied $25
–CR Receivables $25

Credit Card Chargeback Setup

Responsibility: Receivables
Navigation: Receipts > Receipts > (B) Apply > Applications > (B) Chargeback
Release 12 comes with the seeded Receivables Activity Type of ‘Credit Card Chargeback’.

The only setup step required is to create a new receivables activity of type credit card chargeback and specify the GL clearing account for the new activity.

Note: Only one activity of this type can be active.

Create accounitng and transfer JE's to GL using SLA


I Create Accounting Program

The Create Accounting program processes eligible accounting events to create subledger journal entries. To create the subledger journal entries, the Create Accounting program applies application accounting definitions that are created in the Accounting Methods Builder (AMB).

The Create Accounting program,

Validates and creates subledger journal entries
Optionally transfers the journal entries to GL
Optionally posts the journal entries in GL
Generates the Subledger Accounting Program Report, which documents the results of the Create Accounting program

Draft Accounting

When you select draft accounting, Subledger Accounting creates the relevant journal entries in draft mode. Draft entries are not posted to General Ledger. You can review the resulting entries, update the transactions, or update the accounting rules. Any changes will be reflected when the transaction is processed again for accounting.

Online Accounting (Final)

Final entries are ready to be transferred to General Ledger and cannot be modified. The transactions are considered as processed for accounting. Any changes to the rules will not impact final entries.

Straight-Through Accounting (Final - Post)

If you select Final Post, Subledger Accounting posts the journal entries all the way through to General Ledger. This means that you can update GL balances straight from the invoice entry (or any other transaction entry) window.

Create Accounting Program

The Create Accounting program creates subledger journal entries. In general, the parameters described in the table above determine which accounting events are processed.
Navigation Paths (example Payables)
Payables: Other > Requests > Run
Receivables: View > Requests (B) Submit a New Request


1. Ledger - Required; limits accounting events selected for processing to those of a particular ledger. This program is run for primary ledgers or valuation method enabled secondary ledgers. Any reporting currency or secondary ledger associated with the selected primary ledger is also processed; i.e. entries are generated for the selected primary as well as reporting currencies and non-valuation method secondaries.

2. Process Category - Optional; restricts the events selected for accounting to a particular process category. For example, Invoices.

3. End Date - Required; end date for the Create Accounting program; processes only those events with event dates on or before the end date

4. Mode (Draft/Final) - Required; determines whether the subledger journal entries are created in Draft or Final mode

5. Errors Only (Yes/No) - Required; limits the creation of accounting to those events for which accounting has previously failed

6. Report (Summary/Detail/No Report) - Required; determines whether to generate a report showing the results of the Subledger Accounting program in summary or detail format

7. Transfer to General Ledger (Yes/No) - Required if Mode is set to Final; determines whether to transfer the subledger journal entries to General Ledger

8. Post in General Ledger (Yes/No) - Required if Mode is set to Final; determines whether to post subledger journal entries in General Ledger

9. General Ledger Batch Name - Optional; user-entered batch name that appears on the transferred General Ledger subledger journal entries. Transfer to GL option must be set to Yes.

10. Include User Transaction Identifiers (Yes/No) - Required; controls whether the report displays user identifiers' names and values.

Create Accounting Program

The Create Accounting program generates one or more accounting programs depending on the volume to be processed. The Subledger Accounting Program report is generated by the Create Accounting program and documents the results of the Create Accounting program. It lists the following:

Successful events and the subledger journal entries created for those events
Errors for failed events

You can run the report in summary, detail, or no report mode which are described as follows:
Summary mode provides a summary of events processed and detailed information about their errors.
Detail mode provides details of subledger journal entries generated from the processing of completed events and a detailed error report.
No report mode will show an error count without actually generating the report.

II Transfer Journal Entries to GL Program

The Transfer Journal Entries to GL program enables you to transfer any eligible journal entries to General Ledger, including those from previous runs that have not yet been transferred to General Ledger.

Note: This program is used if you run accounting online in Final mode (not Final Post) or if you run the Create Accounting program and set the Transfer to GL parameter to No.

The only reason you would want to run the Create Accounting program and set the Transfer to GL parameter to No is if you want to run accounting at different intervals than the GL transfer, for example, you may run accounting every hour but only transfer to GL nightly.

The Transfer Journal Entries to GL program consists of a subset of parameters used in the Create Accounting program as listed below:
–Process Category
–End Date
–Post in General Ledger
–General Ledger Batch Name

III Oracle Subledger Accounting Program Report

The Subledger Accounting Program Report is generated by the Create Accounting program and lists the following:

•Successful events and the subledger journal entries created for those events
•Errors for failed events

You can run the report in summary or detail mode as follows:
•Summary mode provides a summary of events processed and detailed information about any errors.
•Detail mode provides details of subledger journal entries generated from the processing of completed events and a detailed error report.

Transfer Journal Entries to GL Report

The Transfer Journal Entries to GL report is generated by the Transfer Journal Entries to GL program and lists the following:

Transfer to GL Summary

Setting Profile Options
The profile options listed above relate to data access and security and impact how accounting is generated through SLA in R12.

1. SLA: Enable Subledger Transaction Security in GL
Use this profile option to combine subledger transactions security with data access security for General Ledger responsibilities when drilling down to multi-organization enabled subledger application. Transaction security in the respective subledger application is always applied when drilling down from subledger transactions to subledger journal entries.

2. SLA: Enable Data Access Security in Subledger
This profile option determines whether the General Ledger Access Set security mechanism is applied for a subledger application responsibility when viewing, reporting, or creating subledger journal entries associated with a given ledger. The General Ledger Access Set security mechanism is always applied for responsibilities associated with the General Ledger application.
The profile option enables you to combine data access security with subledger transaction security and therefore control access to subledger journal entries depending on the ledger to which they belong. For example, you can implement a Multi-Org Security Profile that allows you to create Oracle Receivables Invoices for two different operating units each associated with different ledgers but restrict drill-down from the subledger transaction to the associated subledger journal entry based upon the destination ledger contained in the Access Set.

3. SLA: Additional Data Access Set
The SLA: Additional Data Access Set profile option, in conjunction with the GL: Data Access Set profile option, controls which ledgers and balancing or management segment values you can access when logging onto a responsibility. If SLA: Enable Data Access Security in Subledgers is enabled for the responsibility, you have access only to the ledgers and balancing or management segment values included in the data access sets assigned to the SLA: Additional Data Access Set and GL: Data Access Set profile options.

4. SLA: Allow Reports Journal Source Override
This profile option applies only to the following reports:
-Open Account Balances Listing
-Third Party Balances Report
Enable this option to change the Journal Source parameter during report submission. If the option is set to No, then you cannot change the value defaulted during report submission.
For example:
Should the general ledger data access set security be enforced when generating accounting? For example, should journal entries be created if the user does not have ledger clearance even if they may have multiorg access to the operating unit?
Should the transaction security model be applied when drilling down from GL? For example, should the user be allowed to inquire on journal entries of certain operating units if they do not have MO access, but have ledger clearance?
If there are secondary ledgers and data access set security is enforced in the subledger module, then an additional data access set needs to be assigned to the user to enable access to the secondary ledger.
Should the user be able to run certain reports across data from multiple subledger applications?